David Stratton - Seriously Red

British Cinematographer - Barb and Star
"It's great doing different genres, where you get the opportunity" to try different visual styles.

Polygon - Barb and Star Review
"Wiig and Mumulo have created a movie that’s totally them, and everything from the pastel production design to the punctuating camerawork is on their oddball wavelength."

Cooke Ad
Full page testimonial in American Cinematographer May 2021 issue for Cooke Anamorphic lenses on Barb and Star.

EMPIRE MAGAZINE - The Sunken Place
GET OUT filmmakers discuss the creation of the 'Sunken Place' sequence, with Toby Oliver, Jordan Peele, Rusty Smith (Production Designer), Gregory Plotkin (Editor), Sean McKittrick (Producer)

VARIETY - 10 Cinematographers To Watch
Toby Named as one of 10 Cinematographers to Watch in 2017

The fantasy-horror-thriller feature WILDLING is the first production to be released with the support of ARRI´s International Support Program.

Screen Daily
"Technical credits are solid, corralling Wolf Creek 2’s DoP Toby Oliver and Get Out’s editor Gregory Plotkin into a number of striking shots and transitions in an image-heavy effort"

NY Magazine article on the making of GET OUT with interviews with the filmmakers

Vanity Fair
"Working with cinematographer Toby Oliver, Peele creates images that are beautiful and terrifying"

The New Yorker
“Peele’s perfectly tuned cast and deft camera work...with his first film, he’s already an American Buñuel.”

"Australian cinematographer Toby Oliver shoots the film with intense close-ups and a beautifully muted color pallette, and gives the film a visual style essential to its success."

Rolling Stone
"Scares meet racially charged satire in instant horror classic; A jolt-a-minute horroshow laced with racial tension and stinging satirical wit. How is one movie all that?"

“What a watershed feat Peele has pulled off, delivering such a gloriously twisted thriller that simultaneously has so much to say about the state of affairs in post-Obama America.”

“he proves to be a strong visual artist as a director, finding unique ways to tell a story that goes increasingly off the rails - Peele displays a skill with horror action that I didn’t know he had.”